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The Toy Guns: Under The Influence

Sheena Is A Punk Rocker - The Ramones. Because every time I wanna
write a song I wanna write a song like this. Its just a perfect
simple punk pop song, with any amounts of great hooks.

Happiness Is A Warm Gun - The Beatles. I really like how this tune
is really 3 tunes stuck together - much like paranoid android. And
it works. It's something I aimed at with our song no bullets no guns.

Too Much Too Young - The Specials. Could have chosen most of their
stuff really. This song though was the one that made me wanna write
ska tunes. The rhythms are really infectious and made me wanna

Bodies - The Sex Pistols. I chose this for its venom. The lyrics are
canny shocking I reckon, but great. I really love the scream of the
chorus and I'm always looking to do sommit similar but I cannae slip
it in at the mo like.

Sabotage - The Beastie Boys. Great cross over song, hip hop n punk.
It shows you that you can meld styles to great effect.

I Get Around - The Beach Boys. Pure surf pop, great singing and
catchy as hell. All you need in a tune.

Can't Stand Losing You - The Police. Really like the lyrics and feel
of this song. I took it and re-worked a bit of the lyric theme for
our song transmission.

Dreaming Of You - The Coral. Its the bass line that gets me - like
the way they nicked it from you're the one that i want from grease.
So we nicked it for one of our tunes, going mobile.

London Calling - The Clash. Really good war cry of a tune. I can
relate to this a lot. Influenced some of me own lyrics. Also like
the spiky guitars

A Forest - The Cure. Just reckon it's great the way the bass drives
the tune.

Song For My (Sugar Spun Sister) - The Stone Roses. The Stone Roses were the first band I eva got into when I were a tot. So they're the reason I wanted to be in a band. This tune was me favourite back

Jimmy Jimmy - The Undertones. All their tunes are so underrated.
People only know teenage kicks and while that's a great tune they
have so many more. Kinda similar to sheena is a punk rocker in the
way that its a perfect punk pop tune. Cham

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