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Silver Birches Second Album 'Can you Hear My Dreams?' Out Now!

Silver Birches second album, ‘Can you Hear My Dreams?’is now available on Soundcloud. Toni Hall, Paul Burke and Ricc Terranova have built on the musical collaboration that they established with their debut album, ‘Geography and History’ to bring their new album to fruition. They were delighted to be joined by Paul Galpin (Action Spectacular) who, falling in love with ‘Geography and History’ whilst mastering it, decided to join the band full time. He has lovingly produced the album as well as playing keyboards and violin.
Toni and Paul met online through a shared love of Tom Waits and a desire to write and record original and timeless music. They live in Carlisle and Sheffield, respectively, with Ricc based in Des Moines, USA. They have brought an album into existence despite never having all been in a room together – separated by geography but brought together through their shared creative passion and focus. The songs are reminiscent of psychedelic-era Beatles meets the Verve covered by the Delines, while Toni’s vocals evoke David Bowie’s ‘The Man Who Sold the World’ period, with some Nico thrown in.

Transcendent moments of vocal harmony...a big album of high quality, absolutely authentic.’ (Edward Thomas Keller, Son.Of.Radger./Seyyes)
Classic, dark, tender’ (Karl Bielik, Lark)

A Wonderful Discoverie of Witches by Curlew

How We Used To Live : A Look Back at the Old P&P Website

Once upon a time the Pitch and Putt Blog used to be known as (and used to contain actual written articles and stuff). Thanks to the waybackmachine you can still enjoy its vintage look and pre Web 2.0 naivete by clicking this link here:
Here's how it looked back in December 2003:
In 2004 This was the Snazzy Logo: