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Escape From the Future by The Sound of Superstring

The Epic of Gilgamesh - Tablet II – Drink the beer, as is the custom of the land

The stage darkens and the gauze descends. Projected onto it are the words: “Tablet II – Drink the beer, as is the custom of the land”. Chirping crickets can be heard as the sky turns slowly into a new day.
 SHAMHAT and ENKIDU stand and as she sings he stretches himself awake, his posture becoming much more upright and human than before.

 SHAMHAT: “Wake up, Enkidu…

 As SHAMHAT sings her song a group of cast members arrive on stage dressed as SHEPHERDS. Like all Shepherds at this time of the morning they are visibly quite drunk and swig heartily from skins of ale.
ENKIDU approaches them and is offered bread and beer, which he takes enthusiastically. As he downs skin after skin of beer the rowdy Shepherds goad him on.

 ENKIDU: (with SHEPHERDS backing) “Well, I’ve had my first taste of bread today…

Now dressed in a borrowed Shepherd cloak and brandishing a Shepherd Knife, Enkidu’s attention is grabbed by a WEDDING GUEST who scurries on to the stage from the left. The guest is carrying a large platter of tasty looking Fancy Things.

 ENKIDU : “Heyayayayay…

Enkidu strides off in earnest in the direction that everyone points too and the gauze projection shows the scrolling image of the mighty City Walls of URUK HAVEN.

PERSON OF URUK #1 “He's as mighty as they come…

ENKIDU stands his ground, arms folded to block GILGAMESH’S way. A stand-off ensues and as they exchange words they move back and forth across the stage.

 Gilgamesh: “Out of the way, stranger…

The gauze descends and the bright back lights, flashing in time to the beat, shows the pair in silhouette. They begin an elegant, slow-motion street fight. Eventually as the last beats of the kick drum play out, the figures exchange their final blows.

 As the gauze retracts the fight ends in deadlock and they crumple exhausted to the floor.

ENKIDU: “Well you bested me this time…

Instantly reconciled, they end their song dancing around arm in arm, embracing each other as equals and brothers.

 GILGAMESH: “So, dude, you were out in the wilderness for lots of years…

Weird by The hirundu now on Bandcamp

Sonic Clams: WHY DID I DO THAT

copyright 1986 Bob Chaos productions. This is a fan video-  be sure to check out:

Time Hitler and the Assholes From Space: Fire!

From The Lost in Time Recordings, 2012. This is a fan video- be sure to check out